Get Involved

Our Corporate Partners

We have always been an organisation for kindness and generosity. The different types of problems we try to solve may have slightly changed over time,
But our passion and dedication has never wavered.
Ours is a bigger mission in general.

We work constantly so that people may stand tall and be respected.

With our commitment, we find that people are kinder,

Schools are more inclusive,
Communities have more equality and unity,

So that a culture of cruelty can become a culture of togetherness.
We are dedicated  to breaking down barriers, we give voice to the voiceless.
We give belonging and connection to those feeling left out.
We welcome diversity and togetherness.
We like to empower the fearful to be fearless in this pursuit of overcoming bullying and together we will find the solutions to make the change required to see a better culture that is 'TOGETHER AGAINST BULLYING'!

It’s not just a Sponsorship...

We are extremely grateful to our corporate partners and each and everyone of you is appreciated. So when you come on board as a Corporate Partner with Together Against Bullying, you join our cause and directly support the youth of today, that will hopefully become, the better people of the next generation. No matter how little or big the amount, getting involved makes a huge difference and positive impact all round in the lives of our youth.

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

As a provider of educational booklets we want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help and together prevent bullying in our schools. 

Together Against Bullying
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